Apprenticeship | CUSW, Canadian Union - CUSW
Where do CUSW apprentices work?
Join apprentices working across Canada with our growing list of employer partners.
Joint Training Committees
Joint Training Committees (JTC) are designated by the AGC. Joint Training Committees are responsible for carrying out the operations associated with Recruitment and Selection), Apprenticeship Operation Roles and Responsibilities, School Training, Corrective Feedback, Certificate of Qualification Process and Presentations. If you are are member of a Joint Training Committee, you can access the JTC Portal via the links below (under construction).
There are many great reasons to start an apprenticship in the skilled trades, here's our top 3:
1. Source: CAF-FCA, Apprentice Demand in the Top Ten Red Seal Trades: A 2019 National Labour Market Information Report, (Ottawa: CAF-FCA, 2019) 2. Source: Statistics Canada (RAIS), 2018; Prism Economics and Analysis CANTRAQ System 3. Source: Retaining Employees in the Skilled Trades, March 2019