Happy Labour Day 2024! - CUSW
null Happy Labour Day 2024!

August 30, 2024
Happy Labour Day 2024!
On March 25, 1872, the Toronto Typographical Union took up the cause of the “Nine-Hour Movement” and went on strike when its demands for a shorter workweek were ignored. A few weeks later, ten thousand people participated in a parade to show support for the striking workers.
George Brown, then politician and editor of the Toronto Globe, hit back by launching legal action against the striking workers. At the time, union activity was still considered a criminal act under Canadian law. Brown had police arrest and jail 24 members of the strike committee for conspiracy. The arrests were protested, and the Prime Minister at the time, Sir John A. Macdonald, promises to repeal the “barbarous” anti-union laws.
The Trade Unions Act was passed by Parliament on June 14, 1872, legalizing unions. In the years following, parades were organized in honour of the Toronto demonstration. The celebration was officially recognized on July 23, 1894, when the federal government made it a national holiday.
Labour Day is a celebration of working people and the gains we’ve won:
- Higher wages and paid vacations
- Decent pensions
- Health and safety standards
- Equal rights at work
Workers march in Canada and the United States on the first Monday of September to call for greater equality, economic democracy, social justice and workers’ rights. It is up to working people, unions and their allies to continue this tradition in our struggle for a better world.