Participation Model

Member Participation is the foundation of who we are as a Union. In fact, relations between the various parts of the Union were devised to ensure members were at the center for driving change and bringing workplace issues to the forefront.

CUSW is a place where workers come together, express their voice, and create their own future. 
The diagrams below illustrate how Units, Committees, Reps., the E-board and Members interact in the workplace and on a Union-wide level.

Union Participation Model

Members participate in many ways in CUSW: through the workplace, in a national committee, on a unit executive, or the national board.

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Workplace Participation Model

Within each workplace, member take an active, formal roles as Stewards and HS reps. Other members in the workplace contribute by actively looking to improve working with employers and each other.

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National Committee Participation Model

National Committees are the pathway by which members contribute to the policies and processes that guide the union between conventions.

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Unit Participation Model

Currently 9 CUSW Units across Canada. All members can participate in meetings activities or events organized by Units for members or their families.

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