COVID-19 Membership Update and Employee Communication 7 - CUSW
null COVID-19 Membership Update and Employee Communication 7

May 3, 2020
COVID-19 Membership Update and Employee Communication 7
With the May long-weekend upon us, and signs of springs all around us, we're reminded of celebrating long-weekends past with friends and family. That won't be possible this weekend, but there is light at the end of the tunnel! Yesterday's announcement that more of the economy is being opened up is reason for optimism. While this is good news, we must remain vigilant and do our part to slow the spread over the next weeks and months by following Health Authority and workplace guidelines.
Workplace Update
In our workplaces, there has been progress with some employers' work programs resuming ahead of schedule and members returning to work. With new safety measures in place, our workplaces will look very different to what we are used to. Members are reminded that if you are not feeling well, do not go to work. Report any symptoms to your Supervisor and follow on-site instructions. Connect with your Workplace Representatives if you have questions or require assistance. This will take some adjustment, but there is no doubt CUSW members have the mindset to adapt and do what it takes.
Staying Connected
It is great to see Units holding regular Zoom drop-ins and meetings. We hope that the virtual connecting habits we've been practicing during this pandemic will continue for the long-term now that more and more of us have become familiar with these tools. We remind members to watch out for notices from your Unit Executive and reach out to them with any questions. Participation is key.
Stewards and HSW Members
Stewards and Joint Health & Safety Committee Members remain very active over the last number of weeks listening to your concerns, working with Management to resolve issues and ensuring the health and safety for all members. Please take the time to thank them for their efforts!
In the Community
We were happy to contribute towards recent efforts to distribute care packages to Bruce County area front line long-term care workers. Each package included a gift card for a local restaurant and a bottle of hand sanitizer acquired with the backing of local supply chain partners, businesses and community groups. READ MORE
OCOT Payment Processing
Members are reminded that the Ontario College of Trades (OCOT) is still processing payments via their online portal and by telephone. Members still need to pay their OCOT fees to stay in good standing. CUSW employers will require that any members returning to work will need to have a valid membership with OCOT.
Staying Up to Date
We continue to advise Members and Staff to monitor the latest notices and advisories on COVID-19 from Federal, Provincial and local health authorities. The Public Health Canada website has many resources:
Resources for Members struggling with Stress
We know this continues to be a stressful time for everyone. Fortunately, help is available through your PSBT Member & Family Assistance Plan (MFAP) delivered on our behalf by Homewood Health. Among the services available to help members and their families during this time are: Childcare resources, Relationship coaching, Parenting resources and Financial counselling. Assistance is available 24/7. Learn more on the PSBT website:
The Power Sector Benefit Trust (PSBT)
Resources for Members from Employers
For guidance from specific employers including media releases, policies for dispatch, hygiene and work preparedness, visit the COVID-19 resources page on the CUSW website:
CUSW COVID-19 Information
Keeping in Touch
With our offices closed and many staff working from home, we will continue to respond to members’ needs as promptly as possible, and remain ready and able to assist. The best way to correspond with staff is via email at the following addresses. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
CUSW General: [email protected]
CUSW Apprenticeship: [email protected]
Security Clearances: [email protected]
Training Trust: [email protected]
PSBT Benefits: [email protected]
PSRT Retirement: [email protected]
As always, you can find this information on our websites along with other helpful services and information about membership behind sign in. Note also that each site will continue to be updated during this time.
Thank you,
National Executive Board